kentucky real estate license examkentucky real estate license exam
There are no limits to the number of times you can take your real estate exam, but it must be passed within four months after passing your 96-hour pre-licensing course, or you have to retake it. 2023 StateRequirement | StateRequirement is a part of, About | Terms | Privacy Policy | Contact, How to Get Your Kentucky Real Estate License. Zosta lepszym graczem. The Kentucky Real Estate Salesperson Exam is one of the hardest state test to pass in the United States. Learn More Post-Licensing As a Kentucky real estate licensee, you must complete 48 hours of post-licensing education within 2 years of obtaining your real estate license.
The exam consists of 130 questions. Per 201 KAR 11:440. Find a DPL Board. In addition to the penalties, a Circuit Court may impose an additional penalty on any person who violates any provision of this chapter by fining them. To begin this process, go to your local law enforcement agency and have your fingerprints taken.
If a licensee is found guilty in a KREC administrative hearing: Before the KREC can discipline a licensee, it must hold an administrative hearing to ensure due process. Students should feel comfortable taking the Practice Exams before scheduling their licensing examination. Complete the application and send it to the Kentucky Real Estate Commissions office with a check or money order for the appropriate payment. Youtube All Rights Reserved. Placing a sign on any property offering it for sale or lease without the written consent of the owner or the owners authorized agent is a violation of Kentucky Law. The Sales Associate exam consists of 80 national questions and 50 state-specific questions. The state-specific Mastery Modules are the next portion of the course. Complete a 96 hour pre-license real estate training course. This content is generally standard from state to state. The exam is administered by PSI and consists of two parts: a national portion and a state portion. Your license must be affiliated with a brokerage, and you will be required to work under the supervision of a licensed broker. The exam is administered by PSI and consists of two parts: a national portion and a state portion. Seda S Post So in our case Bruce must be paid directly from his broker Kira. Have attained a high school diploma or GED; Completed all real estate pre-license courses prior to taking the real estate examination; Must apply within sixty (60) days of passing their exam. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2015-2022 | Polityka Prywatnoci | Wsppraca. A passing score for the Kentucky Real Estate Sales Associate Exam is 60/85 on the National section and 38/50 on the State section. File your license application. Meet the Requirements. We will guide you every step of the way, from your first agent license through your subsequent renewals many years later. A seller listed her property for $100,000 and told her agent not to present her with any offer les than $99,000. [CDATA[/* >