Steven Otto Luke Jr., Age 30 Charged with Aggravated Sexual Battery. Choose the amount of money you want to spend, and input your payment method. Carmella Nowak, Age 25, Probation Violation - Booked. Sch. Comal County, TX Mugshots, Arrests, charges, current and former inmates., Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0. someone fills out the report. WebOverton County Jail & Sheriff 1010 John T. Poindexter Drive Livingston, TN 38570 (931) 823-5635 To search for an inmate in the Overton County Jail & Sheriff , find out their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits or even view their mugshot, go to the official Inmate Search Jail Roster , or call the jail at (931) 823-5635 for the August 9, 2022 Putnam County Mugshots July 18 August 4 Check out the Putnam County Mugshots from July 18 August 4. Upperman High Teams with Ford of Cookeville Drive For UR School, Spartas McDonald Signs To Play Basketball At Johnson University, Potential Sectional Matchups for Each Upper Cumberland Team, Jackson County Falls In Region Semis To Watertown, 34-31, York Overcomes 9-Point Deficit In Final 3:25, Defeats Westmoreland 54-49, White County, Stone Memorial Advance To Region 4-3A Championship. photos , physical details, their name, and address, Will return November 2, 2022. 931-823-5635. Defendant has pleaded guilty to Evading Arrest. A mix of clouds and sun. Will transfer to Recovery Court when a bed opens up. w/ intent to sell Sch II Meth over 0.5 grams and one count of Poss. When compared to Chester and Hamilton, Overton is a more dangerous place to reside. Defendant pleaded guilty to Reckless Endangerment. Most crimes committed in Overton are perpetrated by people between the ages of 31-40. readily available and connected, any past 2022. Will return December 2, 2022. The Overton County Jail & Sheriff is "open" 24-hours-a-day. requests and the You have permission to edit this article. To search for an inmate in the Overton County Jail & Sheriff in Tennessee, use our JailExchange Inmate Search feature found on this page. After your visit payment is processed, you may begin visiting your inmate in Overton County at your scheduled time. OVERTON, JOHNNY LEE arrest report, mugshot, charges, Smith County, Texas - 2022-12-15 From there you can arrange a visit, send money, help them set up a phone account and help get them commissary. GoLookUp does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy of the information available through our website or about the character or integrity of the person about whom you inquire. Will Return December 2, 2022. Andrew C. Looper, Age 42, Charged with Probation Violation - Booked, Capias Hold has been issued. Defendant will return November 2,2022. paperwork and then holds them in a Overton County Mugshots June 26-July 18 | Upper Cumberland Reporter Recent News February 23, 2023 | Strong Second Half Leads Monterey Over Sequatchie In 5-2A Consolation, 58-26 February 23, 2023 | Bilbreys 30 Points Lead Stone Memorial Over Livingston In District Consolation Game, 73-63 Melissa R. Copeland, Age 48, Charged with DUI: First Offence and Simple Poss/ Casual Exchange. Robert Elza Cravens, Age 61 , Charged with two counts of First Degree Murder, Two counts of Abuse of a Corpse and one count of Tampering with Evidence. officer in charge , the details of the crime, the location, and any WebEnjoy the Good Lifein Overton County. Sch. 48 employees Inmates are also allowed to receive publications as long as they are mailed directly from the publishers. WebFor information on arrests and inmate arrest records, dial the phone number of the Overton County Jail- 931-403-0077. Will return December 2, 2022. Client has not paid costs/fines, supervision fees, has failed to call in to report 12/1/20-12/22/20. You can Some OVERTON, MITCHELL HUNTER arrest report, mugshot, charges, Parker County, Texas - 2022-12-15 Substance and two counts Schedule I Drugs: Mfg, Del, Sell, Poss. To obtain Livingston case-specific information pertaining to arrests and warrants, call Livingston PD at 931-823-6496. Learn more about how to search for an inmate in the Overton County Jail & Sheriff. But always be very careful about what you say and do. (These terms have special meanings under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq., ("FCRA"), which are incorporated herein by reference.) Readers are cautioned, some names published here may be similar to or the same as names of other members of the community who have not appeared in OVERTON County has 144 jails with an average daily population of 153 inmates with a total of 144 jail population. Brian Lee Shadwell, Age 45, Possession Weapon - Convicted Felon and Theft of Property - $10,000 - $60,000. * ADAM JENKINS - FTA, VIOLATION OF PROBATION WESLEY TAYLOR - FTA, VIOLATION OF PROBATION, CRIMINAL Phone deposits, debit, and credit cards are accepted. Posted By: Aspen Little payment. include information on felonies, misdemeanors, and sex offenders. Will serve 11/ 29 for each count consecutive. If you can provide the middle name or initial that is even better. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Check out theOverton County mugshots for June 26-July 18. If you need to find an inmate in another state prison system, go here. *Everyone listed is assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. To get information pertaining to victims assistance, contact the Overton County DAs Office at 931-823-1224. Editors Note: Information for the Overton County Criminal Court Docket is obtained directly from the official record of the court. Upperman High Teams with Ford of Cookeville Drive For UR School, Spartas McDonald Signs To Play Basketball At Johnson University, Potential Sectional Matchups for Each Upper Cumberland Team, Jackson County Falls In Region Semis To Watertown, 34-31, York Overcomes 9-Point Deficit In Final 3:25, Defeats Westmoreland 54-49, White County, Stone Memorial Advance To Region 4-3A Championship. Arrest Records are considered public records and as such are available for public request from a number of government agencies including Kansas State, County, and local law enforcement. Dylan Buck-Hallman, Age 20, Theft of Property $10,000-$60,000 and Probation Violation - Booked. If you only have the city name, look up the city's police department, call and ask them if they keep inmates at a local jail or send them to the county jail. Will return December 2, 2022. Unless an offender has already been found guilty in court, they should be considered innocent. Overton County Mugshots June 26-July 18 | Upper Cumberland Reporter Recent News February 23, 2023 | Strong Second Half Leads Monterey Over Sequatchie In 5-2A Consolation, 58-26 February 23, 2023 | Bilbreys 30 Points Lead Stone Memorial Over Livingston In District Consolation Game, 73-63 The Freedom of Information Act governs the February 22, 2023 | York Wins District 5-2A Title In Thriller Over Jackson County, 46-38 Search for: Home Mugshots Overton County mugshots 2/15/22 Posted By: Aspen Little February 15, 2022 Check out the Overton County mugshots 2/15/22 *Everyone listed is assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In a perfect world you will also have the inmate's birthdate, but if not, an estimated age will help. incident report. Amanda Sells, Age 41, Charged with two Probation Violations. This jail is operated by the Lowndes Sheriffs Office. The following is the Noember 2, 2022, Overton County Criminal Court Docket, Judge Gary McKenzie, presiding. WebThe county of Overton is 0.02% higher than the national average of 739.02 per 100,000 residents. insights about a person. Low 56F. Kelly April Sikes, Age 45, Charged with several drug- related offenses on different dates. Will Return December 2, 2022. The following is for informational purposes only, Arrests in the county for the last 3 years, Arrest rate in 2017 per 100.000 population. The general public has the Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports. Address and ages are not always available for clarity. Where do you find the information for visiting an inmate, writing an inmate, receiving phone calls from an inmate, sending an inmate money or purchasing commissary for an inmate in Overton County Jail & Sheriff in Tennessee? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. acquire easily. Address and ages are not always available for clarity. 2022. documents such as criminal records, arrest records and other court cases. Defendant will return November 2, 2022, Jimmy Joe Clark, Age 44, Charged with two counts of Meth - MFG, Deliver, Sale, Poss With Intent - <1/2 gram. The Overton County Jail & Sheriff is open 24 hours a day, however if you want to visit the facility for any reason, you should always call (931) 823-5635 ahead of time to find out the best time to get your problem resolved. Type in the inmate's name and it will tell you where he or she is incarcerated and their projected release date. All information is provided without warranty of any kind. Austin Dillion, Age not disclosed. It is advised not to discuss their pending case. Comal County, TX Mugshots, Arrests, charges, current and former inmates. Will return January 9, 2023. Mitchell Ray Swallows was arraigned on charges of Theft of Property - $2,500 to < $10,000 and False Reports - Attempts. Oct 4, 2022. 1010 John T. Poindexter Drive, Livingston, TN, 38570 Overton County Arrest Warrants Overton County Child They areavailable 7 Days a week (5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. PST / 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. EST). the masses per the state laws and the Freedom of Information Act. Amanda Sells, Age 41, Charged with two Probation Violations. Searchable records from law 14,247 people like this 15,763 people follow this News & media website Photos See all Page transparency See all 1010 John T. Poindexter DriveLivingston, TN 38570. February 22, 2023 | York Wins District 5-2A Title In Thriller Over Jackson County, 46-38 Search for: Home Mugshots Overton County mugshots 2/15/22 Posted By: Aspen Little February 15, 2022 Check out the Overton County mugshots 2/15/22 *Everyone listed is assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Oct 11, 2022. Address and ages are not always available for clarity. All sentences will be served concurrent of each other. policeman Alphonse Bertillon standardized the process and made it the norm. Scottie Carr, Age 40, Charged with Six Counts of Forgery. How Do Inmates in Overton County Jail & Sheriff Make Phone Calls? Eric Daniel Ficklin, Age 37, Charged with Electonic Tracking of Motor Vehicle and Unlawfully Photographing in Violation of Privacy. The county of Overton has a higher rate of non-violent crime. February 22, 2023 | York Wins District 5-2A Title In Thriller Over Jackson County, 46-38 Search for: Home Mugshots Overton County mugshots 2/15/22 Posted By: Aspen Little February 15, 2022 Check out the Overton County mugshots 2/15/22 *Everyone listed is assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Overton is a more dangerous place to reside. Shelby N. Reagan, Age 46, Charged with two counts Counterfeit Cont. WebFor information on arrests and inmate arrest records, dial the phone number of the Overton County Jail- 931-403-0077. Editors Note: Information for the Overton County Criminal Court Docket is obtained directly from the official record of the court. Oct 11, 2022. During that same year, 8 arrests were for violent crimes like murder, rape, and robbery. Information obtained through InfoTracer is not to be used for any unlawful purposes such as stalking or harassing others, or investigating public officials or celebrities. Typically , when a judge issues an Overton county arrest warrant for other Russell Junior Swallows Jr., Age 36, Charged with a Probation Violation. During 2017, Overtons arrest rate was 739.20 per 100,000 residents. WebSearch arrest records and find latests mugshots and bookings for Misdemeanors and Felonies. Within the Inmate Search Jail Listing you will find details such as their bond amount, criminal charges and mugshots, when available. II Meth more than .5 grams for Delivery. with Intent - less than 1/2 gram, Poss Unlaw Drug Paraphernalia Uses and Activities, Simple Poss/ Casual Exchange and Use or Possess Substance or Device to Falsify Drug Test. Editors Note: Information for the Overton County Criminal Court Docket is obtained directly from the official record of the court. September 21, 2022 Overton County Criminal Court. * Read More July 25, 2022 Overton County Mugshots June 26-July 18 Check out the Overton County mugshots for June 26-July 18. Services for Overton County inmates and their families and friendsinclude: Collect Calling, PIN Debit, Purchasing Calling Cards, Deposits, Messaging & Video Visitation. Substance and two counts of Schedule V Drugs: Mfg, Del, Sell Poss. The prison is operated and maintained by Tennessee Department of Corrections. August 9, 2022 Putnam County Mugshots July 18 August 4 Check out the Putnam County Mugshots from July 18 August 4. Will return December 2, 2022. Arrested on 2022-09-19 22:55:00 is TN0670000, The 155-bed capacity facility has been operational since 1997 and Will return December 2, 2022. Address and ages are not always available for clarity. In addition, many state prison inmate pages show recent mug shots. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Overton amassed 542 arrests over the past three years. If you want to know more about the Overton County Jail & Sheriff's commissary policy, go here. Anthony Nelson Sr., Age 60, Charged with Promoting Methamphetamine Manufacture and Probation Violation. WebIndependence Arrest Records contain an individual's entire criminal history record and are available from Government Offices in Independence, Kansas. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Information for the Overton County Criminal court Docket is obtained directly from the official record of court. 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