Cases Involving Small Amount of Marihuana for No Remuneration.Distribution of a small amount of marihuana for no remuneration, 21 U.S.C. (3) If the defendant unlawfully imported or exported a controlled substance under circumstances in which (A) an aircraft other than a regularly scheduled commercial air carrier was used to import or export the controlled substance, (B) a submersible vessel or semi-submersible vessel as described in 18 U.S.C. 822(g). For additional statutory provision(s), see Appendix A (Statutory Index). 6928(d), the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. Under the grouping rules of 3D1.2(b), the counts will be grouped together. (ii) The defendant is convicted of selling 500 grams of marihuana (Level 6) and 10,000units of diazepam (Level 6). If the resulting offense level is less than level 14, increase to level 14. (B) Definitions.For purposes of subsection (b)(1)(B): "Incompetent" means an individual who is incapable of taking care of the individual's self or property because of a mental or physical illness or disability, mental retardation, or senility. (17) If the defendant receives the 4-level (minimal participant) reduction in 3B1.2(a) and the offense involved all of the following factors: (A) the defendant was motivated by an intimate or familial relationship or by threats or fear to commit the offense and was otherwise unlikely to commit such an offense; (B) the defendant received no monetary compensation from the illegal purchase, sale, transport, or storage of controlled substances; and. Background: Because a conviction under 21 U.S.C. A Pascagoula man was sentenced to 70 months in federal prison for possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine, announced U.S. Attorney Darren J. LaMarca and Special Agent in Charge Jermicha Fomby of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Amended effective November 1, 1992 (amendment447); November 1, 1995 (amendment 519); May 1, 1997 (amendment 541); November 1, 1997 (amendment 557); November 1, 2000 (amendments 605 and 606); May 1, 2001 (amendment 611); November 1, 2001 (amendment 625); November 1, 2002 (amendment 646); November 1, 2003 (amendment 661); November 1, 2004 (amendments 667 and 668); November 1, 2005 (amendment 679); November 1, 2007 (amendments 705 and 707); November 1, 2010 (amendments 745 and 746); November 1, 2012 (amendments 763 and 770); November 1, 2014 (amendment 782); November 1, 2015 (amendment 796); November 1, 2018 (amendments 808 and 813). The statutory penalties for distribution of more than 5 grams of methamphetamine and possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute more Application of Subsection (b)(7).For purposes of subsection (b)(7), mass-marketing by means of an interactive computer service means the solicitation, by means of an interactive computer service, of a large number of persons to induce those persons to purchase a controlled substance. (C) Ice, for the purposes of this guideline, means a mixture or substance containing dmethamphetamine hydrochloride of at least 80% purity. Similarly, in the case of marihuana having a moisture content that renders the marihuana unsuitable for consumption without drying (this might occur, for example, with a bale of rain-soaked marihuana or freshly harvested marihuana that had not been dried), an approximation of the weight of the marihuana without such excess moisture content is to be used. In a case in which the defendant possessed or distributed the listed chemical without such knowledge or belief, a 3-level reduction is provided to reflect that the defendant is less culpable than one who possessed or distributed listed chemicals knowing or believing that they would be used to manufacture a controlled substance unlawfully. This was to be expected due to the drop in the number of these charges being filed, as described above. Special sentencing provisions for possession of Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol, "roofies" or "roaches") impose a Penalties for possession with intent to distribute are potentially even more severe. The total, 1.125 kilograms of converted drug weight, has an offense level of 8 in the Drug Quantity Table. (iii) Use the offense level that corresponds to the converted drug weight determined above as the base offense level for the controlled substance involved in the offense. (21 U.S.C. Manufacturing or distributing a controlled substance need not be the sole purpose for which the premises was maintained, but must be one of the defendants primary or principal uses for the premises, rather than one of the defendants incidental or collateral uses for the premises. 3. 11. 4. 1308.11(d)(31)), (ii) at least two of the following: cannabinol, cannabidiol, or cannabichromene, and (iii) fragments of plant material (such as cystolith fibers). (C) Pattern of Criminal Conduct Engaged in as a Livelihood (Subsection (b)(16)(E)).For purposes of subsection (b)(16)(E), pattern of criminal conduct and engaged in as a livelihood have the meaning given such terms in 4B1.3 (Criminal Livelihood). For additional statutory provision(s), see Appendix A (Statutory Index). Historical Note: Section 2D1.3 (Distributing Controlled Substances to Individuals Younger than Twenty-One Years, to Pregnant Women, or Within 1000 Feet of a School or College), effective November 1, 1987, amended effective January15, 1988 (amendment 23), was deleted by consolidation with 2D1.2 effective November 1, 1989 (amendment 135). Application of Subsection (b)(14).. If the resulting offense level is less than level 26, increase to level 26. For example, subsection (b)(7) would apply to a defendant who operated a web site to promote the sale of Gamma-hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) but would not apply to coconspirators who use an interactive computer service only to communicate with one another in furtherance of the offense. The converted drug weight for the Schedule V substance is subject to the cap of 2.49 kilograms set forth as the maximum converted weight for Schedule V substances (without the cap it would have been 3.75 kilograms). (A) If the offense involved the manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine, increase by 3 levels. A Bemidji man has pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine. (B) Upward Departure Based on Drug Quantity.In an extraordinary case, an upward departure above offense level 38 on the basis of drug quantity may be warranted. 1. hbbd```b``uA$2r "80d6#HT M^WbOo]#| 841(b)(1) includes the carrier medium in which LSD is absorbed). Structuring Chemical Transactions or Creating a Chemical Mixture to Evade Reporting or Recordkeeping Requirements; Presenting False or Fraudulent Identification to Obtain a Listed Chemical; Attempt or Conspiracy, (1) The offense level from 2D1.11 (Unlawfully Distributing, Importing, Exporting, or Possessing a Listed Chemical) if the defendant knew or believed that the chemical was to be used to manufacture a controlled substance unlawfully; or, (2) The offense level from 2D1.11 (Unlawfully Distributing, Importing, Exporting or Possessing a Listed Chemical) reduced by 3 levels if the defendant had reason to believe that the chemical was to be used to manufacture a controlled substance unlawfully; or. 21. 2D2.1. A communication facility includes any public or private instrument used in the transmission of writing, signs, signals, pictures, and sound; e.g., telephone, wire, radio. Mixture or Substance.Mixture or substance as used in this guideline has the same meaning as in 21 U.S.C. (J) Fentanyl analogue, for the purposes of this guideline, means any substance (including any salt, isomer, or salt of isomer thereof), whether a controlled substance or not, that has a chemical structure that is similar to fentanyl (N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl] propanamide). [Defendant] is accused of possessing [controlled substance] on or about [date] intending to distribute it to someone else. According to a release from the U.S. Department of Justice, on May 2, 2022, law enforcement observed 30-year-old For example, an upward departure may be warranted in cases involving MDPV, a substance of which a lesser quantity is usually needed to produce an effect on the central nervous system similar to the effect produced by a typical synthetic cathinone. WebThis video covers federal sentencing on federal drug cases that involve mandatory minimum sentences. (C) Upward Departure.In a case involving two or more chemicals used to manufacture different controlled substances, or to manufacture one controlled substance by different manufacturing processes, an upward departure may be warranted if the offense level does not adequately address the seriousness of the offense. Mar. Classification of Controlled Substances.Certain pharmaceutical preparations are classified as Schedule III, IV, or V controlled substances by the Drug Enforcement Administration under 21 C.F.R. The offense level for methylamine is determined by using 2D1.11. 13. (B) Determining the Base Offense Level for Offenses involving Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, or Phenylpropanolamine.If the offense involves two or more chemicals each of which is set forth in the Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine Quantity Table, (i) aggregate the quantities of all such chemicals, and (ii) determine the base offense level corresponding to the aggregate quantity. at least 3 KG but less than 9 KG of PCP (actual); (a) Base Offense Level: The offense level from the Chemical Quantity Table set forth in subsection (d) or (e), as appropriate, except that if (A) the defendant receives an adjustment under 3B1.2 (Mitigating Role); and (B) the base offense level under subsection (d) is (i) level 32, decrease by 2 levels; (ii) level 34 or level 36, decrease by 3 levels; or (iii) level 38, decrease by 4 levels. 1319(c), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)(A), (b)(1)(B), or (b)(1)(C), or 21 U.S.C. (A) Controlled Substances Not Referenced in Drug Quantity Table.The Commission has used the sentences provided in, and equivalences derived from, the statute (21 U.S.C. [Subsection (c) (Drug Quantity Table) is set forth after subsection (e) (Special Instruction).]. (E) Departures for Certain Cases involving Synthetic Cannabinoids.. 960(b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(3), and the offense of conviction establishes that death or serious bodily injury resulted from the use of the substance and that the defendant committed the offense after one or more prior convictions for a similar offense; or, (2) 38, if the defendant is convicted under 21 U.S.C. Unlawful Possession, Manufacture, Distribution, Transportation, Exportation, or Importation of Prohibited Flask, Equipment, Chemical, Product, or Material; Attempt or Conspiracy, (1) 12, if the defendant intended to manufacture a controlled substance or knew or believed the prohibited flask, equipment, chemical, product, or material was to be used to manufacture a controlled substance; or. 845a), 861 (formerly 21 U.S.C. The cocaine converts to 16 kilograms of converted drug weight, and the cocaine base converts to 7.142 kilograms of converted drug weight. 3. Any reference to cocaine includes ecgonine and coca leaves, except extracts of coca leaves from which cocaine and ecgonine have been removed. (Treating LSD on a carrier medium as weighing 0.5 milligram per dose would produce offense levels equivalent to those for PCP.) To determine these finer distinctions, the Commission consulted numerous experts and practitioners, including authorities at the Drug Enforcement Administration, chemists, attorneys, probation officers, and members of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces, who also advocate the necessity of these distinctions. Historical Note: Effective November 1, 1987. At least 6,000 KG but less than 18,000 KG of Hashish; Statutory Provisions: 21 U.S.C. Application of Subsection (b)(3).Subsection (b)(3) applies if the conduct for which the defendant is accountable under 1B1.3 (Relevant Conduct) involved any discharge, emission, release, transportation, treatment, storage, or disposal violation covered by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. WebFEDERAL DRUG LAWS Possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs is prohibited by federal law. Knowingly or Intentionally "Offense involved unlawfully manufacturing a controlled substance or attempting to manufacture a controlled substance unlawfully," as used in subsection (c)(1), means that the defendant, or a person for whose conduct the defendant is accountable under 1B1.3 (Relevant Conduct), completed the actions sufficient to constitute the offense of unlawfully manufacturing a controlled substance or attempting to manufacture a controlled substance unlawfully. At least 15 KG but less than 45 KG of Methamphetamine, or Commissioners are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. (C) Upward Departure Based on Unusually High Purity.Trafficking in controlled substances, compounds, or mixtures of unusually high purity may warrant an upward departure, except in the case of PCP, amphetamine, methamphetamine, hydrocodone, or oxycodone for which the guideline itself provides for the consideration of purity (see the footnote to the Drug Quantity Table). 5124 (relating to violations of laws and regulations enforced by the Department of Transportation with respect to the transportation of hazardous material). Each year, the Commission reviews and refines these policies in light of congressional action, 1ST. (A) Except as provided in Note (B), to calculate the base offense level in an offense that involves two or more chemicals, use the quantity of the single chemical that results in the greatest offense level, regardless of whether the chemicals are set forth in different tables or in different categories (i.e., list I or list II) under subsection (d) or (e) of this guideline, as appropriate. Endangering Human Life While Illegally Manufacturing a Controlled Substance; Attempt or Conspiracy. SCHEDULE I OR II DEPRESSANTS (EXCEPT GAMMA-HYDROXYBUTYRIC ACID), 1 unit of a Schedule I or II Depressant (except gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) =, SCHEDULE III SUBSTANCES (EXCEPT KETAMINE)***, SCHEDULE IV SUBSTANCES (EXCEPT FLUNITRAZEPAM)****, 1 unit of a Schedule IV Substance (except Flunitrazepam) =, LIST I CHEMICALS (RELATING TO THE MANUFACTURE OF AMPHETAMINE OR METHAMPHETAMINE)******, DATE RAPE DRUGS (EXCEPT FLUNITRAZEPAM, GHB, OR KETAMINE). delivery or possession with intent to deliver methamphetamine or a substance containing methamphetamine. At least 30,000,000 units but less than 90,000,000 units of Ketamine; When this is not the case, it is to be presumed that each 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch section of the blotter paper is equal to one dose. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. 20. 2. If you're charged with a federal drug crime, you should contact an attorney who practices in federal court (not me). 24. 5. If the application of the guidelines results in a sentence below the minimum sentence required by statute, the statutory minimum shall be the guideline sentence. Federal prosecutors allege one person died from a fentanyl overdose after purchasing pills that were furnished by Watson, according to the criminal complaint filed on Feb. 10 and unsealed last week. Guidelines for the imposition, duration, and conditions of supervised release are set forth in Chapter Five, Part D (Supervised Release). The Commission collects, analyzes, and disseminates a broad array of information on federal crime and sentencing practices. In contrast, in a reverse sting, the agreed-upon quantity of the controlled substance would more accurately reflect the scale of the offense because the amount actually delivered is controlled by the government, not by the defendant. 841(c)(3), (f)(1), 843(a)(4)(B), (a)(8). Each year, the Commission reviews and refines these policies in light of congressional action, decisions from courts of appeals, sentencing-related research, and input from the criminal justice community. Statutory Provision: 21 U.S.C. Example: The defendant was in possession of 80 grams of ephedrine and 50 grams of phenylpropanolamine, an aggregate quantity of 130 grams of such chemicals. Of 3D1.2 ( b ) ( Special Instruction ). ] guilty possession... Those for PCP. substance ; Attempt or Conspiracy contact an attorney who practices in court! Statutory Index ). ] expected due to the Transportation of hazardous material ). ] this! Containing methamphetamine milligram per dose would produce offense levels equivalent to those for.. Possession, use, or Commissioners are nominated by the President and confirmed the... Offense levels equivalent to those for PCP. court ( not me ). ] this was to be due. 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possession with intent to distribute federal sentencing